Vittorio de Riccabona


He was a liberal political, active in the economic and social world of Trentino; he was the founder of the newspaper “L’Alto Adige” and he was among the most significant people in the political and cultural environment in Trentino between ‘800 and ‘900. He was born into a noble family, he studied Law in Padua and Innsbruck. After he went back to Trento he engaged in political activities as a liberal of irredentist ideas, elected for the first time in the city Council in 1883 and then for the next 20 years.

He was an active protagonist of the economy in Trentino: from 1884 director of the credit institution in Trento, until 1912 and member of the central committee for the electric tramway in Trentino. In 1886 he founded the newspaper “L’Alto Adige” and in the same year he contributed to the establishment of the Cooperative Bank of Trento. In 1990 he sat in the Parliament of Vienna with the national liberal party but he resigned as a protesting act towards the Austrian government.

He fled to Italy when WWI began, to come back to Trento only when the conflict was over. We remember his text describing the difficult economic-social situation of Trentino, sent to Innsbruck in 1882: “Memoriale sulle strettezze e sui bisogni della parte italiana della provincia e sui mezzi onde recarvi sollievo: all'Eccelsa I. R. Luogotenenza del Tirolo, Innsbruck” . You can download it here

His works:
Delle condizioni economiche del Trentino. Notizie ed appunti, Tip. Marchetto, Borgo Valsugana, 1880.

Del credito pubblico come mezzo al risorgimento economico del Trentino. Osservazioni e proposte, Küpper-Fronza (tip.), Trento, 1881.

Further reading:

• Danilo Curti, Giuseppe Gorfer, Rodolfo Taiani, Giuliano Tecilla, Protagonisti. I Personaggi Che Hanno Fatto Il Trentino Dal Rinascimento Al Duemila, L’Adige, Trento, 1997.

• Maria Garbari, Vittorio de Riccabona, 1844-1927: problemi e aspetti del liberalismo trentino, Società di studi trentini di scienze storiche, Trento, 1972.