Giuseppe Stefenelli
He was a lawyer, studied in Innsbruck and was politically active, he was deputy at the Assembly of Innsbruck for the left wing of the liberal party. He ran the liberal newspaper “Alto Adige” in Trento and promoted the construction of the Statue to Dante.
He joined then fascism and was President of the Federation of cooperative consortia between 1926 and 1927, period of fascist control (on 31st October 1926, in fact, fascists occupied the offices of the Federation, SAIT and Farmers Leagues’ Federation, putting them under external administration). It’s the phase of the context of the Federation in the new fascist order: the provincial Council of agriculture and the district consortia were annulled, the democratically elected organisations were substituted in different cooperatives with commissioners chosen by the regime and loyally allied; fascism had taken control of the cooperative movement in Trentino.