don Felice Beltrami


Native from Darzo, hamlet of the municipality of Storo, he founded the Famiglia Cooperativa (cooperative society) in Saone in 1893 and the Cassa Rurale (credit institution) in 1895.

He was one of the nine members for the constitution of the Federation of cooperative consortia in Trentino, the future Federation of Cooperation in Trentino. In this context we recall his commitment for drafting and approving the statute for the functioning of the Famiglie Cooperative and the participation in the establishment of the bank of Saint Vigilius, that in his opinion had to be set on the German Raiffeisen model.

He strongly opposed instead against the SAIT project, interpreted as an interference to the action of the Federation of cooperative consortia and Agrarian Districts: it was the time of the bitter diatribe between neutral part (which Beltrami was part of) and confessional part. This led him to a definitive rupture with the Federation.

Further readings:

Fabio Giacomoni, Renzo Tommasi, Le radici della cooperazione di consumo in Trentino, 100 personaggi per 100 anni SAIT, SAIT, 1999. pp 75-77