Second degree cooperative/consortium of cooperatives

The consortium is constituted by the group of cooperatives that operate in the same sector and syndicate themselves in order to optimise their coordinated management, to improve their development and facilitate their own market uptake.

Here are some examples of these consortia for the territory in Trentino:

SAIT (agricultural and industrial syndicate of Trento),
founded in 1899

CAVIT winemakers of Trentino
Cooperative that unites 11 social winemakers of Trentino with 5250 associated vine growers, founded in 1950 by some vine growers who wanted to enhance their own products, as consortium of social winemakers. Also the commercial role joins the technical one in 1957. Up till now the collaboration with the Agrarian Institute of San Michele all’Adige (Edmund Mach Foundation ) is active. To know more about it:

CLA - Work and Environment Consortium
It’s a second degree cooperative consortium that was created in the mid 1980s, it has 40 production and work cooperatives in the fields of construction, infrastructure, restoration and environmental services, front office activities, cleaning, waste management, green maintenance, catering, logistics. To know more about it:

Provincial Federation of Farmers of Trento
It was founded in 1957, it led to the world union of farmers of Trentino on some services. It takes care of the selection and quality of the cattle, the commercialisation of animals and meat for slaughter, technical assistance and support for its own members. It also developed a genetic and genealogical database of the provincial livestock. The website :

It’s the consortium of social cooperatives in Trentino, founded in 1986 by 11 members. It’s joined by 52 social cooperatives: 32 type-A cooperatives that offer social-welfare educational services, 18 type-B cooperatives that take care of work placement of disadvantaged people, 2 mixed cooperative and 1 consortium (CSSS) and 2 organisations of development cooperative (Promocoop and Cooperfidi). The webiste:

Trentingrana - CONCAST
The Consortium of Social Dairies and Milk Producers in Trentino(CON.CA.S.T.) was created in 1951 as Consortium among the Social Dairies of Trentino, to face and manage the common issues of the industry. Later, a Consortium was constituted among the producers of Grana (parmesan) cheese, named TRENTINGRANA, with the purpose of promoting the commercialisation of this product. The fusion of two consortia led to the launch of a sole society called Trentingrana - CON.C.CA.S.T. It has 22 cooperative dairies and more than 1400 members. Today there’s a single commercial centre called Group of cheese of Trentino. Website: